Friday, January 18, 2008

It seems that every first date begins with some sort or preparation. I usually find myself cowering through my closet looking for something suitable to wear, something that will impress my date. This outfit cannot be too formal or too casual, it has to be dead center. After I'm satisfied with everything I put on my clothes and clean myself up, clip my nails, shave, brush my teeth, put on some deodorant and cologne and I'm set. So lets say my date is at 6:30, do I come early, on time, or casually late? I sit in the driveway debating this topic for quite some time and eventually realize it's 6:39, I assume it's time to leave and head to my dates house. The drive there is somewhat nerve racking, as the lighted houses pass by me ever so slowly I begin to wonder if I'm in some sort of daydream. I finally meet my date and now I'm faced with this decision, do I greet her with a hug, a hand shake or just a verbal confermation that I'm happy to see her? If I make the wrong move I could make things awkward for the whole night. How is it possible that this split second decision can make or break my night, so I finally decide on the verbal confermation because it is simple and painless. As the night progresses one may find themselves at a slew of awkward crossroads, ones such as quite pauses or dead end conversations but these problems can be fixed with a simple solution, a movie. A movie requires no conversation whatsoever and allows the two to have an enjoyable time. When it's time you leave you are faced with the most difficult part of the night, the goodbye. Honestly what is someone to think, do you just hug and get it over with, or do you make this big drawn out process where you make it so awkward that you just end up saying goodbye anyway? My simple solution is a hug and a quick goodbye, this limited contact allows for a minimal awkward experience. All dates may not be comfortable but the preperation and meaning behind them is always worth writing about.


Ms. H said...

Now you have to read Cole's plan on how to have a good date. Interesting to see the difference from a boy's point of view and a girl's!

gatorade said...

very interesting preparation. hmmmm...9 minutes late. the movies.